5th Wedding Anniversary

Thank you for the playful relationship we have 🙂
For saying the right words whenever I need it.
For giving me the chance to annoy you everyday 😉
For every tiny, miny, little details you gave that make me laugh.

Well, I might say we have a funny marriage. There have been lotta fights and screams that made me cry (sometimes over silly things haha), but there’s also thousand laughter and kisses. Our marriage is also fortified by love and trust, and tested by life’s ups and downs.

Abang, you are my better half. Not everyone as lucky as me and I thank God for we met in a unique ways then He united us. Thank u for tightly holding my hands whenever we face life’s difficulties, and that warm eyes that say, “Let’s face this together!”

Dear Abang, thank you for being my partner, spouse, lover and best friend at the same time.
Happy 5th Wedding anniversary! I love you more each day.

53 respons untuk ‘5th Wedding Anniversary’

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  1. selamat ya Eka….bersama dan tua bersama, langgeng tdk hanya kuantitas waktu tapi juga hubungan yang berkualitas…ga mudah, tp bs diusahakan terus bersama permohonan pada Tuhan…

    di paragraf kedua, kalimat kedua, semula aku baca …there have been lotta flights (emang iya kan, uh pengen banget) eh tp ternyata dibaca ulang there have been lotta fights and screams….haha iyalah wajar aja, asal ga sepanjang hari, namanya juga dua manusia yg beda semua2nya, pasti perlu penyesuaian terus…aku aja yg anak udah pada ABG, kadang masih ga ngerti jg sm maunya pasangan (aku yg tel-mi kali yee)

    sekali lagi selamat ya, salam buat si abang nya, Tuhan berkati sll

  2. yay!!! Udah lima tahun aja… happy, happy, happy anniversary! Mudah-mudahan bisa langgeng terus sampai akhir hayat, tetep jadi pasangan yang lucu, asyik dan harmonis. Amiiin.. 🙂

  3. Wahh ternyata Eka menikah pas banget dgn waktu aku melahirkan si Inez hehe….Happy Wedding anniv yaaa..kita sama2 nikah juga di Agustus, aku tgl 11 haha..what a coincidence!

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